Look Rotation (LogiX node)

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Look Rotation

  Float3 Forward
  Float3 Up
  FloatQ *

The Look Rotation LogiX node creates a rotation represented as a native quaternion which will rotate an object such that its Z axis points in the direction of the Forward vector, and its Y axis points in the direction of the component of the Up vector that doesn't point in the direction Forward vector. More technically, the object's X axis will point in the direction of the cross-product of the Forward and Up vectors.


This node can be used to turn an object to face another object, while keeping its "top" generally facing in the same direction.


The Z axis of an object is generally considered its "forward" axis and its Y axis is its "up" axis. For example, suppose we had an avatar whose nose was pointing in the Z axis ("forward"), with the top of its head in the Y axis ("up"). However, now we want the avatar to rotate its head so that its nose was pointing along the X axis while still remaining with the top of its head pointing up.

Look Rotation example.jpg

The required head rotation is 90 degrees about the Y axis.

Node Menu

Math / Rotation
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