Constant Lerp (LogiX node)

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Constant Lerp
'Constant Lerp' LogiX node
  Float Target
  Float Speed
  Float *

The Constant Lerp node outputs a value that approaches the target input at a constant rate based on the speed input.


When spawned from the node browser, this node accepts float data by default. However, this node can be overloaded to accept a wide variety of numeric datatypes if an appropriate wire is connected to the input. The datatype must support decimal places due to the nature of the function.

The speed input refers to units per second. This means that if you have a target of 10, a speed of 2, and you start at 0, you will reach the target in 5 seconds.

When spawned, whether from the node browser or through duplication, the node's output is the value of its target.


Node Menu

Back Binary Constants DateTime Enums Matrix Physics
Quantity Random Rect Rotation Shaping TimeSpan Abs
Acos Asin Atan Atan2 Avg Ceil Ceil To Int
Clamp Clamp01 Constant Lerp Constant Slerp Cos Cosine Lerp Cubic Lerp
Exp Floor Floor To Int Greatest Common Divisor Inverse Lerp Is Between Least Common Multiple
Lerp Log Log N Log10 Max Min Multi Lerp
Multi Slerp Nth Root Ping Pong Pow Remap Remap -1..1 to 0..1 Repeat
Repeat01 Round Round To Int Sigmoid Sign Simplex Noise Sin
Slerp Smooth Lerp Sqrt Tan