Wiki Contributions & Translations

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The Neos Wiki is a community project. Thank you for all your help and contributions! We are a tiny team and maintaining it wouldn't be possible without you. Everyone regardless of their status in Neos can edit the wiki. Any contributions are welcome and wanted. Please edit away!

Finding Content to Edit

The Neos Wiki is a very fast moving environment as the community try to keep up with various Neos Changes and updates. To that end it can be unclear what needs to be edited or tweaked.


To help with this we have a number of pages which list content that is in need of attention. These pages are called Stubs. You can find a list of stubs on these automatically generated pages:

Check these pages regularly for lists of pages that need help.

Components & Nodes

Neos Users use a huge amount of LogiX Nodes and Components to create in-game content. All of these need documentation!

LogiX Nodes

Check Category:NodeMenu for a list of nodes, it resembles the in-game Node Browser. Any nodes could do with reviews, edits and updates but if you see a Node with a Red link that means it is undocumented. Please feel free to type documentation for it!


We have a list of components on Category:Components which can have gaps or missing pages. If you find a component that is missing documentation please go ahead and add it.

Making Larger Changes

When making changes to the wiki, the general principle is to go right ahead. However, when making changes to larger pages such as the Main Page or pages which are edited, touched or translated frequently please be careful. There are sometimes subtleties and nuances that need to be covered when editing these pages. Please double check in the Wiki channel of the Neos Discord before you make such changes. The community there will say yes a lot of the time but sometimes a discussion may be required.

Editing Help

The Neos Wiki uses Media Wiki as its wiki engine and MediaWiki has extensive documentation on how to edit Wiki pages.

Everyone with a Neos Account is able to contribute to existing pages, translate and create new ones.


A Category is a way to categorize pages that follow a certain theme or topic. You can use them to group together these pages as a category page will create a table of pages within its category. For more information on categories please see Media Wiki's guide on categories. However here are some specific Neos Wiki items of guidance:

  • Category Pages can contain information and text. Use this to explain what the category is and what it does.
  • Subcategories can exist
    • To Create one, put a Category page into another Category.
    • For example, Category:Animals, Could contain Category:Animals:Mammals.
    • To do this, Make sure Category:Animals:Mammals is named exactly like that and then ensure it also has [[Category:Animals]] within it.
  • A page can be in more than one category.
  • Please try to avoid creating categories that have only one page within them.


To prepare a page for translation, please edit it to add tag


to the first line of the page to display language selector box and wrap the rest of the page in


tags to mark translatable content.

Follow the "Mark this page for translation" link that will now appear in page header. You can review translation units and hit "Mark this version for translation" button at the bottom to get translation process going.

Page header will now feature translation links for all logged in Wiki users.

Links to other pages can be translated using [[Main Page|Translation]] denotation in order to keep them pointing at the original page.

Known bug

We are working to lengthen the somewhat short login timeout. Please save your contributions and translations before sending forms as your session might have timed out while filling the form.\

External Resources