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Badge Image Badge Name Meaning
MMC23-Participation.png MMC23 Participant Users with this badge participated in the Metaverse Maker Competition (MMC) in 2023.
MMC23 Sponsor Badge.png MMC23 Sponsor Given to users who have given a donation during MMC23.
MMC23-World.png MMC23 World A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 World category. This includes World: Social, World: Game, and World: Misc.
MMC23-Avatar.png MMC23 Avatar A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 Avatar category. This includes Avatar: Avatars, Avatar: Accessories, and Avatar: Misc.
MMC23-Other.png MMC23 Other A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 Other category. This includes Other: TAU and Other: Misc.
MMC23-Art.png MMC23 Art A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 Art category.
MMC23-ESD.png MMC23 ESD A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 ESD category.
MMC23-Meme.png MMC23 Meme A badge awarded to winners of the MMC23 Meme category.
MMC23-HonorableMention.png MMC23 Honorable Mention A badge awarded to honorable mentions of MMC23.
MMC23-ja-translation.png MMC23 Japanese Translator Badge Given to litalita for 2023 Japanese translations.
MMC23-ko-translation.png MMC23 Korean Translator Badge Given to Holy_Water for 2023 Korean translations.
MMC23-Mac-n-Cheeze.png MMC23 Mac 'n Cheeze Given to ProbablePrime for helping with the 2023 voting system.