MMC 2023

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The Metaverse Maker Competition 2023 (MMC 2023) was a competition that ran from February 1st 2023 to March 1st 2023. The event was organised and run by Medra and other members of the Creator Jam team. The rules and general information for this competition can be found in this document. There were 146 total entries.

Official Results

The official results were announced live on Twitch on March 18th 2023 and they are copied below. There was one winner and multiple honorable mentions for each of the 13 categories, all winning prizes.

In 2023, entry categories were organized in a hierarchical structure into 13 total categories. Certain categories were split in to small teams (5 or less people) and large teams (6 or more people). Placements were awarded based on community voting (49% of total) and official judging (51% of total). The judges were Medra, ProbablePrime, CanadianGit, and Joris Weijdom (Professor and Researcher at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht).


Category Creation Team
World: Social (Small Team) Hobby room Team hobby room
World: Social (Large Team) Deep Dreams VibeZ
World: Game (Small Team) Transposer Bright Spark
World: Game (Large Team) Legendary Sushi Master NEO-SUSHI
World: Misc Procedural Space Station PhyStar
Avatar: Avatars ASHER Gunnar
Avatar: Accessories GeumEunBangIDa PAIGET
Avatar: Misc GhostMode linki9s7
Other: TAU AI Material Tip 人工無能 (Artificial Incompetence)
Other: Misc Township! Card Game AuraBOI
Art 鶴の恩返し - The Crane of Gratitude - N.E.T.A.
Education/Science/Dataviz Pythagoras = Fibonacci Ambilop
Meme Royal Flush Flush Masters

Honorable Mentions

Category Creation Team
World: Social Sigil Island New_Project_Final_Final_WIP
Sakura Planet Sakura Planets
Critter Cove Critter Creations
World: Game Pump n Dump Gas Station and Car Wash We'll think up a better name later
HL Crystal Skies HardLight
Robot Safari Psychpsyo
World: Misc 仮想遷都 東亜 - Toa - NEViS Creation Group
Avatar: Avatars Hide Again (Naturally) tanossy
Avatar: Accessories SABER LABO Saber Industries
Avatar: Misc Avatar Expression Menu Installer Avatar Expression Menu Team
Other: TAU AI Slot Cleaner Rabbuttz & Nemnomi
Other: Misc Get Rotated! Slime Duck
Art ³ Alcove Golden core
Education/Science/Dataviz MMC Analyzer 23 Shared Project (team lead: orange)
Meme Loooooong Danyy59


Badges were given out to all participants of the competition. Winners and honorable mentions got unique badges. Digital trophies were given out to all winners and honorable mentions. Winners received $500 USD, and honorable mentions received $200 USD.