Text (Component)

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Text component as seen in the Scene Inspector


This component displays text inside of a UIX canvas. It also supports text formatting.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
Font FontSet The font to use
Content String What to display
ParseRichText Bool Whether or not to interpret text formatting
NullContent String What to display if Content is empty
Size Float The size to render text at, in display units
HorizontalAlign TextHorizontalAlignment How to align the text, horizontally
VerticalAlign TextVerticalAlignment How to align the text, vertically
AlignmentMode AlignmentMode How to compute alignment
Color Color The color to render the text with
Materials Material The Material(s) to render with
LineHeight Float How high each line of text is
MaskPattern String TBD
HorizontalAutoSize Bool Automatically adjusts the text's size to fit in its horizontal space
VerticalAutoSize Bool Automatically adjusts the text's size to fit in its vertical space
AutoSizeMin Float The minimum size that can be reached via auto-sizing
AutoSizeMax Float The maximum size that can be reached via auto-sizing
CaretPosition Int TBD
SelectionStart Int TBD
CaretColor Color TBD
SelectionColor Color TBD
InteractionTarget Bool TBD
_legacyFontMaterial FontMaterial Internal
_legacyAlign Alignment Internal


Here we start with a parent that has a VerticalLayout component with ForceExpandWidth and ForceExpandHeight set.

Text layout example vertical layout parent.jpeg

The first child contains text, with no LayoutElement.

Text layout example text child.jpeg

The second child is an Image with a LayoutElement set to its defaults.

20210515151449 1.jpg

As we see, rather than having equally-weighted children, the image child is squashed. In part this is because the image child has no preferred height, but also the text seems to have a preferred height that includes some empty space underneath it.

Setting various values in the LayoutElement of the image child does expand that child. For example, setting its FlexibleHeight to 1 or its PreferredHeight to 100.

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