Snapper (Component)

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Snapper component as seen in the Scene Inspector



Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
UseBoundingBoxCenter Bool
SnapCheckRadius Float
CheckStaticColliders Bool Allows the Snapper to look for colliders that are set to Static rather then Trigger.
SnapTargetWhitelist SnapTarget List of SnapTargets that the slot can attach to
Keywords String List of keywords to match against a corresponding SnapTargets. Can have multiple keywords to snap to multiple SnapTargets


Allows the slot in which this component resides in to snap to a SnapTarget in another slot. The SnapTargetWhitelist allows you to specify a list of SnapTargets that this component will link to in case you want to limit its snapability. The keywords list allows you to provide a list of words which the SnapTarget can use to filter for specific types of snappers.

It is important to have this in a slot shared with a Grabbable component in the root link of the object you wish to snap. Snapped components will become children of the snap target.


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