PositionAtUser (Component)

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PositionAtUser component as seen in the Scene Inspector


The PositionAtUser component drives the values in PositionDrive and RotationDrive to match the user's position and rotation as determined by the settings in PositionSource and RotationSource respectively.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
TargetUser User The user that will be used to calculate the parent slot position, unless PositionAtLocalUser is selected.
PositionAtLocalUser Bool Position the parent slot at the Local User of each client, ignoring the value in TargetUser
TargetPositionOffset Float3 Position offset in the user's local space units. Respects the user's current scale and transforms.
TargetRotationOffset FloatQ Rotation offset in the user's local space unit. Respects the user's current scale and transforms.
PositionOffset Float3 Position offset in global space units
RotationOffset FloatQ Rotation offset in global space units
PositionSource UserNode The user node that the position will be calculated from
RotationSource UserNode The user node that the rotation will be calculated from
PositionDrive Float3 Target Float3 to drive with the calculated position value
RotationDrive FloatQ Target FloatQ to drive with the calculated rotation value.



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