DataPreset (Component)

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Data Preset component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
IsActive Bool Indicates that all the presets in Entries have been applied. Cannot be driven.
Entries SyncRelayList<IDataPresetEntry> A list of data preset references and values.


Each entry in the list of Entries is a DataPresetReference<T> or a DataPresetValue<T>. These may be added manually, or, if the DataPresetReferences and DataPresetValues are components in this slot or child slots, the Add All Children button will add them for you (replacing any existing list).

Each entry consists of the value or reference, plus a target field.

The Set Active button applies all values and references to their respective target fields.

The only way to programmatically apply the preset is to use a LogiX tooltip, pull the interface card for the DataPreset, and feed an impulse into the SetActive field of the interface card.


Neos VR Tutorial: How to use Data Presets by ProbablePrime

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