Neos Credits

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Oficiální ikona NCR

Neos Credits (NCR) je oficiální měna Neos metaversu. V aktuální beta verzi Neosu je možné zasílat NCR ostatním uživatelům pro účely samostatně organizované ekonomické činnosti, posílat tipy tvůrcům světů a jiným uživatelům. NCR bude nadále využito s plánovanými tržišti Neos Store and Neos Jobs ve chvíli kdy budou implementována.

NCR je aktuálně v procesu mintování (tvorby) skrze Initial Coin Offering (ICO), jak je uvedeno v Neos Whitepaper. Formát NCR ICO je úmyslně designován tak, aby poskytoval stabilní a stálý příjem pro první osvojitele a dlouhodobé držitele, a zároveň k usnadnění využití NCR jako praktické měny, spíše než pro spekulaci. Prostředky získané skrze minting NCR pomocí Etherea budou použity výhradně k hrazení vývoje Neos metaversu skrze expanzi Neos team, grantů a odměn pro vývojáře a tvůrce obsahu, a mimo jiné dalších aktivit, přímo zlepšujících hodnotu a potěšení z času stráveného v Neosu.

Více informací o NCR a ekonomi Neosu je k dispoyici v kanále 💲neos-credits-ncr v Discord serveru Neosu.

Technické vlastnosti

NCR je ERC20 token obslužného programu, stavěný na Ethereum blockchainu, jak je popsáno v whitepaper. Jako takový je NCR klasifikován jako kryptoměna. Základní detaily jsou následující:

  • Celková zásoba: 50,000,000 NCR
  • Celkový mint: 48,000,000 NCR
  • Community Developer Fund: 2,000,000 NCR
  • Počet dávek: 500
  • Hodnota každé dávky: +1.25%
  • Počáteční cena mintingu: 0.06 USD
  • Počáteční mez mintingu: 3 million USD
  • Konečná cena mintingu: ≈29.53 USD
  • Konečná mez mintingu: ≈1.47 billion USD
  • Počet desetinných míst: 18
  • Subjednotky: 1 Neos Credit
  • = 1,000 Neos Units
  • = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 noi
  • Design znaku: ℕ Double-Struck Capital N (Unicode +2115)
  • Adresa NCR genesis contractu: 0xdb5c3c46e28b53a39c255aa39a411dd64e5fed9c NEZASÍLEJTE ETH NEBO NCR NA TUTO ADRESU
  • Adresa NCR minting contractu: Listed on the website.

‡ hypothetické hodnoty pokud/když bude mint dokončen

Užívání NCR v Neosu

Každý účet Neosu má přidělenu spravovanou peněženku pro NCR. Privátní klíče pro tyto peněženky jsou drženy ve "studeném uložišti". NCR může být nativně zasíláno a přijímáno uživateli uvnitř Neosu , a zároveň vybráno do/vloženo z externích kryptoměnových peněženek. Aktuální zůstatek uživatelovy spravované peněženky je zobrazován v UserInfo facetu v Dash menu (nachází se vlevo nahoře ve výchozím stavu domovské obrazovky Dashe). Ten také zobrazuje zůstatky pro KFC (Kompletely Fake Coin), explicitně bezcený token pro testovací účely a CDFT.

NCR může být odesláno pomocí tlačítka 'Poslat kredity' na obrazovce Kontakty v Dashi nebo skrze objekty, využívající TipJar komponentu. Je vyžadováno několika manuálních potvrzení, tudíž je málo pravděpodobné, že uživatelé odešlou NCR, aniž by to zamýšleli. Transakce mezi spravovanými peněženkami Neos účtů neprobíhají na Ethereum blockchainu, čímž odpadají poplatky za transakce a je tím umožněno rychlejších přenosů. Výběry a vklad do a z externích peněženek jsou validovány na blockchainu a aktuálně musí být ručně potvrzovány. Toto může zabrat až 48 hodin. Adresy pro výběr/vklad kreditů lze najít kliknutím na příslučná tlačítka ve facetu na domovské obrazovce Dashe (ve výchozím stavu vpravo dole).

See #Tutorials for guides which include the depositing / withdrawal processes.

Minting and ICO

NCR minting price

NCR is currently undergoing its ICO where new NCR tokens can be minted via Patreon or by sending Ether (ETH) to the NCR minting contract address available on the website Note that this minting address is NOT the same as the genesis contract address - ETH should not be sent to the genesis contract address or it may be irretrievably lost!

Minting proceeds in batches of 100,000 NCR with a total of 500 batches of which 20 are reserved for the Community Developer Fund (CDF).

The cost of NCR is denominated in US Dollars ($, USD); the price for the first batch was 0.06 USD and the price rises by 1.25% per batch. This results in an exponentially growing USD per NCR ratio as minting proceeds (see figures on the right). For the final batch, the price per NCR is expected to be ≈29.53 USD. Following completion of minting, the price of NCR will be determined by its use within the Neos economy and free trading on exchanges. The progress of the ICO, including the current batch number, can be seen on the official Neos website. An important feature of the NCR minting price being denominated in USD is that people wishing to mint NCR by purchasing ETH with traditional fiat currencies (such as USD, EUR, CNY, JPY etc.) do not need to be particularly concerned about the highly fluctuating ETH exchange rate.

NCR is minted via Patreon or with Ethereum. The price of NCR per batch is set in USD. Minting transactions are currently confirmed manually. Processing of transactions is performed in order of their blockchain confirmation times within 48 hours. Seven blockchain confirmations are required for a transaction to be considered confirmed.

Note that, in order to receive minted NCR, ETH must be sent from a wallet which directly manages your private key and is able to receive ERC-20 tokens, such as Metamask. Generally, accounts managed by an exchange (Coinbase, Bitstamp, Kraken etc.) are not suitable for receiving NCR. ETH may be permanently lost if it is sent to the minting address from an unsuitable wallet. Due to price movements from trading or shifts in the ETH exchange rate, trading ETH for NCR on Uniswap may be more or less advantageous than minting new NCR.

For a step-by-step guide on minting NCR starting with fiat currency see #Tutorials.

Patreon mint

Patreon pledges are another way to mint NCR as part of the reward for supporting Neos on Patreon. The amount varies depending on the Patreon membership tier (starting from the $6 Blade Runner tier) and will usually represent approximately 50 – 70% of the value of the corresponding pledge. Note that the rewards at specific tiers are periodically halved to maintain this ratio as the value of NCR grows during the ICO, the next reward halving occurs at batch 80. It is possible to pledge an amount higher than any specifically listed tier and to receive a corresponding amount of NCR. However, this is only possible if the pledge is denominated in USD. NCR rewards for pledges denominated in other currencies, but not exactly matching any official tier, will only be equal to the reward for the tier below the value of the pledge. This discrepancy is due to design choice in the Patreon API which means the Neos team cannot determine the exact exchange rate, and thus appropriate reward scale, used for non-USD pledges.

Patreon transactions for Neos are processed at the start of each month and Patreon income is then used to mint NCR for rewards. For Patrons subscribing mid-month, no money will be taken (and no NCR rewards provided) until the start of the next month when they are first billed. NCR rewards are typically distributed a few days after the start of each month and are paid into a user’s managed in-Neos wallet. If a patron does not have a Neos Account linked to their Patreon account, their NCR rewards will be allocated at the time they choose to link their accounts. There are two caveats here which mean linking to a Neos Account is strongly recommended immediately upon becoming a Patron:

  • The reward amount is calculated using the exchange rate at time of account linking, therefore a Patron may lose out on NCR rewards if part of their membership was spent at a higher exchange rate before a reward halving.
  • Upon account linking, the system will attempt to match the pledged amounts to a specific pledge tier. If the Patron has subscribed in a non-USD currency this will not be possible and the system will provide rewards corresponding to the tier below the total amount. E.g. A Patron pledged at the ($12) Gunter tier for 4 months in any non-USD currency and then linked to a Neos Account to claim their rewards. They will get $36 worth of rewards (according to the Patreon membership reward scale) because that is the closest perk below the unclaimed sum of $48, with the next perk level being $72.

Trading NCR on exchanges

NCR may be traded for ETH on ForkDelta or Uniswap.


It is strongly recommended that people intending to mint NCR, or otherwise use cryptocurrency, familiarize themselves with some of the fundamentals of the technology. Cryptocurrencies are an area of extremely active software development and may present advantages over fiat currencies for certain purposes. However, more responsibility rests with users to ensure the security of their funds and that their transactions are sent to the correct addresses due to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies. Note that the regulatory environment (including taxation rules) governing cryptocurrency transactions and storage can vary between states and countries - it is the responsibility of each individual to determine how to comply with local laws. Below are some useful introductory videos:

  • An accessible introduction to the basics of cryptocurrency:

  • Video tutorial which covers buying Ethereum, minting NCR, and sending it to the in-Neos managed wallet (Note that some UI shown in the video is now out of date):

  • Video tutorial which covers withdrawing NCR from the in-Neos wallet and selling it on an exchange (Note that some UI shown in the video is now out of date):