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There are many myths in circulation regarding Neos. This page presents a growing list of myths and explanations on why they are false, with links to other resources that indicate why.


Neos supports NFTs

We don't. Some of our community use them in-game and they're welcome to. We don't have any official integration or NFTs, though.

Neos is purposefully hard, difficult or complex on purpose

It's not; it just isn't finished.

We have a full roadmap of UI changes and other features that will improve the user experience and make things easier to use.

But one of the Devs said this

No... they didn't.

Neos is restrictive on purpose

We support all groups, identities and communities. You are always welcome on Neos as long as the Guidelines are respected. The guidelines do not restrict or discriminate against any users.

Neos is only funded by Crypto and/or NFTs

That's not correct; we have a number of options for you to support us. We're open to many types of funding.

Neos is open-source

It isn't.

Neos is for only Furries

That isn't true; furries do make a large proportion of our community but it is not ALL of our community. Scroll through the tweets under the hash tag #NeosVR to see a wide variety of avatars and communities.

Neos only has one developer

Nope, the Neos Team has a full list. It is true that our main developer created a lot of Neos, but they still have other team members help!

Neos is only for creators

That's not correct, while our UI is kinda complex right now, it is NOT just for creators. You can hang out and chat, play games, and do whatever you'd like. It's up to you; you don't need to be a creator to use or enjoy Neos.

Neos has only been around since 2021

That's incorrect, we've been on steam since April 2018 and off steam longer than that.

Neos bans users who submit negative reviews of it

That's not correct, we only ban users who violate our Guidelines.

Neos bans users who report security issues

If users do not follow the security and reporting policy, this may happen; provided this is followed, we will not.

Neos has "bad people" on their board

We've had some reports and complaints of certain people claiming to be on our "board". The board of Neos only has two members: Froox and Karel.

We do have a Patreon perk that allows high tier members to attend a "board meeting" once a month. This is just a name, and these members are not legally speaking on our board or management. This is just a meeting. Think of it as an "Influencer Meeting" or "High tier Patreon Meeting". It offers no additional legal power.

Where to get the Truth?

If you're looking to get the truth about anything Neos-related, then your best bet is to go right to the source: