Translations:LogiX Overview/69/en

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A single unit of LogiX that performs some kind of operation, such as adding two numbers or sending an impulse every frame.
A connection between LogiX nodes. A wire can carry either data or an impulse.
A node that allows you to control the shape of wires; it is just an input tied directly to an output. You can also connect multiple data wires to the output of a relay, or multiple impulse wires to the input of an impulse relay.
A piece of data that goes into the left side of a node. Only one wire may flow into a non-impulse input. Many impulse wires may flow into one impulse input.
A piece of data that leaves the right side of a node. Many wires may flow out of a non-impulse output. Only one impulse wire may flow out of one impulse output.
A single event that is run by a single user. Impulses flow through the LogiX graph. Impulses cannot be duplicated or split -- they will follow one path, and only one path. Some kinds of nodes can produce impulses, such as Raw Data Tooltip Events.