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Disability Awareness Badges

These badges can be self-assigned by messaging the Neos bot account in your contacts list. These can be helpful in informing other users that you have a disability. They are optional.

Badge Image Badge Name Description
Hearing impared.png Hearing Impaired Given by request to users that are deaf or hard of hearing. Use the command /addHearingImpaired to add it and /removeHearingImpaired to remove it by messaging the Neos bot in your contacts list.
VisuallyImpairedBadge.png Color Vision Deficiency Given by request to users that have color vision deficiency. Use the command /addColorBlind to add it and /removeColorBlind to remove it by messaging the Neos bot in your contacts list.
SpeechImpared.png Speech Impaired Given by request to users who are unable to speak or who have difficulties speaking. Use the command /addMute to add it and /removeMute to remove it by messaging the Neos bot in your contacts list.
VisionImpared.png Vision Impaired Given by request to users who have issues with vision. Use the command /addVisuallyImpaired to add it and /removeVisuallyImpaired to remove it by messaging the Neos bot in your contacts list.