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A property is a single piece of data attached to a slot or component. The Scene Inspector allows you to examine and modify all of the properties of a slot and its components.

Properties can contain a value type, such as a boolean, an integer, or a String. They can also contain a reference type, such as a Slot or a User. Value types exist by themselves, and do not depend on anything else in the world. Reference types, conversely, point to something else.


  • Click on the contents of a value property to edit them. Many types will bring up a keyboard to provide input.
  • Clicking on the contents of a reference property does nothing.
  • Grab the contents of a property to get a proxy to them.
  • Release a proxy while pointing at a property's contents to store the proxied value or reference in it. The types must match.
  • Grab the name of a property to get a reference proxy to the property itself.