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This is a random list of "common" limitations that Neos has. This isn't meant to scare you away from Neos, but serves as a page of common limitations. It's goals are similar to the Myths page. It is likely not-complete.



Neos currently does not currently support any custom shaders, this means that you're unable to use any of the shaders you might have used on other platforms.

Generally, this isn't as drastic as it would be on other platforms due to Neos features that allow you to edit shaders on the fly dynamically with LogiX, or Components. This can still allow effects such as Rainbow animations, scrolling textures, twinkles/sparkles.


You cannot, edit the post-processing settings of Neos. This includes things like:

  • Bloom
  • Ambient Occlusion

General Programming

Text-based programming

LogiX, is the only way to program in Neos, there is not Text-based programming. If you want to write code you'll need to use Text. Again, there are exceptions to this in the Mod/Plugin space but for general use LogiX is the only way.


There is currently no way to control common collection types such as:

  • Arrays
  • Lists
  • Maps

You will sometimes see components or LogiX nodes that seem to have collection/list style mechanics but these are limited.

Dynamic Component/Property Access

You cannot currently dynamically access the properties or elements of an object. There are exceptions to this with certain nodes or components that can but there is no generic access. There are ways around this in most cases, but do keep it in mind.

Neos Features

This is sort of a meta-list of notes about random Neos features. These aren't limitations that someone new to Neos might notice, but are still here for reference.

Cloud Variables

Cloud variables are better explained on their detailed page.