Headless Client/Server

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Headless Client/Server are Neos command line builds excluding graphical user interface, allowing them to run effectively in scenarios where rendering is not needed such as on a server. Neos Pro users and all Patrons at the level Gunter and up have access to Headless Client/Server builds. See Discord channel #headless-client or contact your administrator to get your access code. Installation

- Use the SteamCMD command app_update 740250 -beta headless-client -betapassword your_code

- Go to Steam, open Neos Properties and go to the BETAs tab - Use your code to activate the beta branch - Switch to the headless-client branch

- After Steam updates, open the installation folder. You can find the headless client in the "Headless Client" subfolder. - Run the executable to start the client - You can use the Config/DefaultConfig.json file to setup startup world or have it login into an account (don't use your main Neos Account)