Cloudové proměnné

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Co jsou cloudové proměnné?

Cloudové proměnné jsou proměnné, které se zachovávají mezi světy. Fungují podobným způsobem jako Dynamické proměnné, ale namísto závislosti na parentování nebo hierarchii světa, závisí na cestách a jejich vlastnictví skupinou/uživatelem. Můžete si je představit podobně jako nastavení nebo konfigurační soubory pro vaši oblíbenou hru. Cloudové proměnné jsou však živější, protože jsou synchronizovány mezi relacemi, světy a dokonce i Neos dashem.

Cloudové proměnné se skládajíé ze dvou částí:

  • Definice - Nastavení a konfigurace
  • Hodnoty - Skutečné hodnoty

Definice cloudové proměnné

Definice cloudové proměnné se skládá ze 4 částí:

Definice mohou být registrovány oproti uživateli nebo skupině. Registrace definice oproti skupině má některé benefity, jako například:

Default Values

When creating a definition, you supply data and configuration in a series of stages with each command. Just in case you forget or omit a command here are the default values for various properties of a definition:

  • Read and Write permissions will default to variable_owner
  • List permissions will default to definition_owner
  • If no default value is specified, Neos will return the default value for this data type as defined in C#.

Hodnoty cloudových proměnných

Každá definice cloudové proměnné může mít více hodnot, každá hodnota je vázána na individuálního uživatele Neosu nebo skupinu. Hodnota obsahuje pouze hodnotu proměnné, a nemá žádné detaily o definici. Můžete si to představit jako tabulku se dvěma sloupci - ID vlastníka a Hodnota.

Na příklad, definice clodové proměnné byla vytvořena s datovým typem string a jménem "Favourite Fruit". Pak si dokážete představit, že její hodnoty budou vypadat takto:

Favorite Fruit
Variable Owner ID Value
U-Frooxius Strawberry
U-Nexulan Orange
U-Shifty Pineapple
U-ProbablePrime Blueberry
U-Vegasx Blueberry
G-MyGroup Banana

Poslední řádek ukazuje hodnotu pro specifickou skupinu. Toto je možné pouze pro cloudové proměnné které patří skupině.

ID vlastníků proměnných (ID uživatelů nebo skupin) s mezerami musí být napsány s pomlčkami. Příklad: Skupina "My Group" bude napsána jako "G-My-Group". Vždy pořádně zkontrolujte vaše ID uživatele a ID skupiny - mouhou se výrazně lišit od zobrazeného jména uživatele/skupiny.

Používání cloudových proměnných

Před použitím musí být cloudové proměnné vytvořeny a registrovány. Toto lze provést pomocí zasílání příkazů různých typů Neos botovi. Tyto příkazy vytvářejí a registrují Definice cloudových proměnných v Neosu. Po registraci mohou být hodnoty cloudových proměnných čteny, zapisovány a manipulovány oproti této definici pomocí LogiXu a Komponent.

Poznámky k používání/Varování

  • Cloudové proměnné nelze aktuálně mazat.
  • Definice proměnných jsou silně ukládány do mezipaměti a jejich aktualizace bude obvykle trvat několik minut. Doporučuje se je plně nastavit předem.
  • Čtení a zápisy jsou bufferovány, dávkovány a cacheovány, a chvíli zabere jejich projevení.
  • Aktuální limitací systému cloudových proměnných je skutečnost, že nejsou synchronizovány v reálném čase napříč relacemi, pokud neběží pod stejným hostitelem.Pokud provozujete více světů/relací na jednom headless serveru (nebo vašem počítači), změny cloudových proměnných se budou synchronizovat mezi těmito relacemi v reálném čase.
  • Pokud stejný svět hostují rozdílní uživatelé, změny v jednom světě nebudou okamžitě odraženy ve druhém, a znovu načtení zabere pár minut. Aktuální plán je přidat synchronizaci v reálném čase v takovýchto případech pomocí integrace SignalR do naší cloudové infrastruktury, což pomůže cloudu lépe se vypořádat s ostatními věcmi, jako jsou aktivní relace nebo také systém zpráv. Ale to zabere ještě dost práce.
  • Aktuální limity, oprávnění a jiné aspekty se mohou změnit.
  • Měnit datové typy je možné, avšak již uložené hodnoty nejsou změnou zasaženy.


Cloudové proměnné sice nezabírají žádné uložiště, avšak mají limity. Tyto limity platí pouze pro definice proměnných, a ne pro jejich hodnoty. Záležíc na konfiguraci, ruzní uživatelé mohou mít rozdílné hodnoty. Např. Pro proměnou barvy: Sam má červenou, Sally má černou, Tom má modrou.

Typ limitu Limit
Uživatelé 256
Skupiny 8192

These limits only apply to created variable definitions and not to values stored within them. For example a variable definition of "U-ProbablePrime.FavoriteColor" can still have an unlimited number of values for it for each user's favourite color.

Rate limits

When reading/writing from Cloud Variables the following limits are in place:


With LogiX, as the read or write is triggered by an impulse the read/write operation occurs immediately at the time the nodes receive the impulse.

Due to this the Read/Write process can be performed up to 30 times a minute.


Cloud variable components operates on a schedule, periodically refreshing the values in both directions. These values are not that fast right now but with further enhancements to our SignalR use. These values will update more promptly. Currently:

  • Reads occur every 5 minutes
  • Writes will be delayed(buffered) and sent every 30 seconds
    • If the value on the component changes more frequently then the most recently set value at the time of the write will be sent to the cloud.

Update Rates

Please read the section above Limits.

Podporované datové typy

Při tvorbě cloudové proměnné je třeba určit platný datový typ. Podporované datové typy jsou vypsány níže, avšak obecně veškeré primitvní datové typy jsou podporovány. Referenční datové typy nejsou podporovány, jelikož reference fungují vždy jen v jednom definovaném světě/relaci.

  • bool
    • bool2
    • bool3
    • bool4
  • string
    • string:<max_length>
    • Ve výchozím stavu má string maximální délku 256 znaků. Maximální délku lze navýšit až na 8192 znaků, pokud syntaxe použijete string:<max_length> syntax pro zadání vyšších limitů.
  • float
    • float2
    • float3
    • float4
    • float2x2
    • float3x3
    • float4x4
  • floatQ - pište jako floatq při definici
  • doubleQ - pište jako doubleq při definici
  • color
  • datetime
  • timespan
  • short
    • ushort
  • int
    • int2
    • int3
    • int4
  • uint
    • uint2
    • uint3
    • uint4
  • long
    • long2
    • long3
    • long4
  • ulong
    • ulong2
    • ulong3
    • ulong4
  • byte
    • sbyte
  • double
    • double2
    • double3
    • double4
    • double2x2
    • double3x3
    • double4x4
  • decimal


You can now also use Enum types, the cloud variable definition must be set to string to sync properly. Once created you can use LogiX & Components with their DataTypes set to the Enum you wish to use. For example CloudValueField<ShadowType>.

More datatypes may be supported in the future.


Cloud variable permissions are composed of two parts:

  • Action Permission - The type of action that a Permission Group can carry out.
  • Group/Type Permission - A group or classification of user.

When reading and deciding on a permission set do remember that in most cases, each user has their own value for a cloud variable.

As an example in the following command: /setUserVarPerms test.color read,write,list anyone. The actions are "read, write and list" and the permission type/group is "anyone".

Action Permission

Action Permission Description
read Grants the ability to read values of a cloud variable.
write Grants the ability to write values of a cloud variable.
list Grants the ability to list all values or a variable.
all Grants all above permissions at once.

You can also specify multiple permissions at once, separated by a comma so for example /setUserVarPerms test.color read,write,list variable_owner would set the read,write and list permissions on the test.color variable to variable_owner.

Group/Type Permission

Common Definition Permissions

These permissions, can be used with both User and Group owned definitions.

Permission Type Description Locations Limitations
anyone Anyone can read/write this variable's values. This is recommend for reading public variables but not recommend for writes as anyone can change anyone's value. Everywhere. - Cannot be used with write permissions on User owned definitions.
- Cannot be used with list permission on User owned definition.
definition_owner_only Only the User/Group who defined the variable can read/write their own singular value. Useful for announcement/version control systems. Userspace/safe contexts only. None.
definition_owner_only_unsafe Only the User/Group who defined the variable can read/write their own singular value. Useful for announcement/version control systems. Everywhere. None.
variable_owner Only the user who owns the variable value can write/read their own value. In this case the definition owner cannot read/write values for other people. Userspace/safe contexts only. Cannot be used for list permissions
variable_owner_unsafe Only the user who owns the variable value can write/read their own value. In this case the definition owner cannot read/write values for other people. Everywhere. Cannot be used for list permissions

User Definition Permissions

These permissions, can only be used with User owned definitions.

Permission Type Description Locations Limitations
definition_owner_only_contacts TODO Userspace/safe contexts only. Cannot be used for list permissions
definition_owner_only_contacts_unsafe TODO Everywhere. Cannot be used for list permissions
variable_owner_only_contacts TODO Userspace/safe contexts only. Cannot be used for list permissions
variable_owner_only_contacts_unsafe TODO Everywhere Cannot be used for list permissions

Group Definition Permissions

These permissions, can only be used with Group owned definitions.

Permission Type Description Locations Limitations
definition_owner Only the group who defined the variable can read/write it. Userspace/safe contexts only. None.
definition_owner_unsafe Only the group who defined the variable can read/write it. Everywhere. None.

List Permissions

Due to the "list" permission having very limited valid permissions it is easier to list what permissions are allowed for list:

  • anyone - Only on 'group based definitions.
  • definition_owner
  • definition_owner_unsafe

Safe Contexts

In most cases within Neos, anyone can observe or even manipulate what you're doing. These are unsafe contexts. When in places such as Userspace,where the Neos Dash is located, no one can see or modify what you're doing. This is a safe context.

Cloud Variable Commands

To create, update and modify Cloud Variables you will need to use commands. These commands can be sent to the "Neos Bot" within Neos, you'll be able to find it in your contacts section.

For each commands if you see Brackets() round an argument then it is optional. Otherwise it is required.

Creating Definitions

User Definitions

  • /createUserVar <path> - Creates a variable definition with the given path.
  • /setUserVarType <path> <type> - Sets the variable definition's Data type.
  • /setUserVarDefaultValue <path> <value> - Sets the default value for a definition.
  • /setUserVarPerms <path> <action permission> <permission type> - Sets the Permissions for a definition.

There is also a command which can create a definition in one go: /createUserVar <path> <type> <default value> <read perms> <write perms> <list perms>.

Group Definitions

  • /createGroupVar <group> <path> - Creates a variable definition with the given path.
  • /setGroupVarType <group> <path> <type> - Sets the variable definition's Data type.
  • /setGroupVarDefaultValue <group> <path> <value> - Sets the default value for a definition.
  • /setGroupVarPerms <group> <path> <action permission> <permission type> - Sets the Permissions for a definition.

There is also a command which can create a definition in one go: /createGroupVar <group> <path> <type> <default value> <read perms> <write perms> <list perms>.


Generally, we recommend using the command which creates the entire definition in one go, this ensures you do not forget any steps or parts which can cause the variable to not be usable.

Reading Values

For reading values using LogiX / Components see this later section.

User Values

  • /getUserVar <path> - Gets the definition for a variable (type, perms, default value)
  • /getUserVarValue <definition_owner> <path> <target user> - Gets a user's value for a definition. Example: /getUserVarValue U-ProbablePrime testing.bool U-ProbablePrime would get Prime's value for their variable testing.bool
  • /listUserVars (<user>) - Lists variable definitions of a user (default: yours). Requires list permission.

Group Values

  • /getGroupVar <group> <path> - Gets the definition for a variable (type, perms, default value)
  • /getGroupVarValue <group> <path> (<target user>) - Gets a user's (default: yours) value for a definition.
  • /listGroupVars <group> - Lists variable definitions of a group. Requires list permission.

Writing Values

When setting/writing a value, ensure that your permissions are set correctly.

For writing values using LogiX / Components see this later section.

Writing Values with User owned Definitions

/setUserVarValue (<user>) <path> (<target user>) <value> - Sets an individual user's value for a definition.

For example: /setUserVarValue U-ProbablePrime testing.bool U-Frooxius true would set the value of testing.bool to true for Frooxius' value of ProbablePrime's definition.

Writing Values with Group owned Definitions

/setGroupVarValue <group> <path> (<target user>) <value> - Sets an individual user's value for a definition.

For example: /setUserVarValue G-Cheese testing.bool U-Frooxius true would set the value of testing.bool to true for Frooxius' value of the Group Cheese's definition.

Setting Complex Values

For complex values, you may struggle to know what to enter for this command. Here are some examples which may help:

  • For complex strings, surround the value in quote marks("). E.g. "My Cool Value".
  • For float3 try [1; 0; 1]
  • For colors try [1; 0; 0; 1]

Deleting Definitions

You can delete definitions using the following commands:

  • /deleteUserVar <path> for User variables.
  • /deleteGroupVar <group> <path> for Group variables.

This command deletes both the definition and all values linked to that definition. It also takes a while(around 30 minutes) for this command to fully execute as it needs to clear values, caches and other systems of the definition and values.

Definition Examples

User Boolean

Create a User variable of type boolean that anyone could read and the owner (each user for their own copy) could write from User and World space:

/createUserVar testing.enabled
/setUserVarType testing.enabled bool
/setUserVarPerms testing.enabled read anyone
/setUserVarPerms testing.enabled write variable_owner_unsafe

User Color

Create a User variable of color type that only the owner could write from Userspace and read from everywhere:

/createUserVar testing.myColor
/setUserVarType testing.myColor color
/setUserVarPerms testing.myColor read variable_owner_unsafe
/setUserVarPerms testing.myColor write variable_owner

Group Boolean

Create a Group variable of boolean type that only the owner could read, write and list from everywhere:

/createGroupVar MyGroup testing.enabled
/setGroupVarType MyGroup testing.enabled bool
/setGroupVarPerms MyGroup testing.enabled read,write,list variable_owner_unsafe

Working with cloud variables


ActiveUserCloudField`1 (Component) - Like CloudValueField, but overrides OwnerId with Local User.

ActiveUserCloudValueVariable`1 (Component) - Like CloudValueVariable, but overrides OwnerId with Local User.

CloudValueField`1 (Component) - Uses target field to store the value, otherwise similar to CloudValueVariable.

CloudValueVariable`1 (Component) - Represents the Cloud Variable, can set OwnerId manually.

CloudValueVariableDriver`1 (Component) - Drives target field with the value of the specified Cloud Variable. Overrides OwnerId with Local User.

LogiX nodes

Write Cloud Variable`1 (LogiX node) - On impulse, writes the specified Cloud Variable for specified owner.

Read Cloud Variable`1 (LogiX node) - On impulse, reads the specified Cloud Variable for specified owner.

Headless Sessions and Auto-Startup World Options

Cloud variables can be used with Headless Server configuration files and Start-up Configuration Files in a number of ways:

  • Configuring roles in a session.
  • Allowing/Denying users from joining/accessing sessions.
  • Provide custom denial messages for why a user is denied access to your sessions.

These options are NOT available in the UI within Neos and require advanced setup from outside of the game.

We recommend using a Group variable for these setups, due to the permission requirements. You can potentially get away with an appropriately configured User variable but Group variables will give you the most control.

To set these up, you need to add the described parameters below, to your configuration JSON files.


To configure roles using cloud variables, add a roleCloudVariable parameter to your world start-up/headless session configuration. It's value should be the full path of the cloud variable you want to use. The session will then use the Cloud Variable to determine which role the user has.

When doing this you need to keep in mind a few things:

  1. The variable data type must be a string.
  2. It is strongly recommended that you use the definition_owner permission group for this variable. Other permission groups may allow users to override their roles.
  3. If no value is set for the variable and a user, the other methods for determining the role will be used.

An example setup would be:

Variable Owner ID Value
U-Frooxius Admin
U-Nexulan Builder
U-Shifty Guest
U-ProbablePrime Spectator
U-Vegasx Spectator

With the corresponding JSON property which needs to be added being: "roleCloudVariable": "G-Cheese.awesomeHeadless.userRoles"


There are a few variables and settings which can control access to headless sessions.

Allowing User's Access

To configure access to a headless session, using cloud variables add a allowUserCloudVariable parameter to your world start-up/headless session configuration. It's value should be the full path of the cloud variable you want to use. The session will then use the Cloud Variable to provide access to the session.

This option take precedence over all other checks, including regular session settings such as max users and visibility.

When doing this you need to keep in mind a few things:

  1. The variable data type must be a bool.
    1. If it is set to true, the user will be allowed to join the session.
    2. If it is set to false, or a value is not present, the other methods for determining access will be used.
  2. If its value is true, the server will allow access to the user.
  3. This is the equivalent of sending an invite to the user.
  4. Users can join regardless of the MaxUsers setting.
  5. Users can join even if the session is private. They will need a link to the session though.

An example setup would be:

Variable Owner ID Value
U-Frooxius true
U-Nexulan true
U-BadGuy false

With the corresponding JSON property which needs to be added being: "allowUserCloudVariable": "G-Cheese.awesomeHeadless.accessControl"

Denying User's Access

In a similar manner to allowUserCloudVariable, you can use denyUserCloudVariable to deny a user access to your world start-up/headless session configuration. Follow the guide above for allowing access but use denyUserCloudVariable instead. When a value for a user is true, they will be denied access.

When true, this option take precedence over all other checks, including regular session settings such as Max Users and Visibility.

An example setup would be:

Variable Owner ID Value Description
U-Frooxius false Allowed Access
U-Nexulan false Allowed Access
U-BadGuy true Denied Access

With the corresponding JSON property which needs to be added being: "denyUserCloudVariable": "G-Cheese.awesomeHeadless.userAccess"

Joining Control

In addition to the above options, you also have the option to use requiredUserJoinCloudVariable. When this option is added to your world start-up/headless session configuration, its value for a user will be checked when they join. If it is true then the user will be allowed to join. If it is false then they will not be allowed to join.

Do note that this option does NOT take precedence over other session checks. Even if this value is set to true, if the session is full(At its maximum user count) the user will not be allowed in.

An example setup would be:

Variable Owner ID Value
U-Frooxius true
U-Nexulan true
U-BadGuy false

With the corresponding JSON property which needs to be added being: "requiredUserJoinCloudVariable": "G-Cheese.awesomeHeadless.userAccess"

Deny Messages

When using requiredUserJoinCloudVariable, with your headless. You can use a second configuration element in the configuration file, requiredUserJoinCloudVariableDenyMessage.

This allows you to specify a single message that is sent to users who are restricted from joining due to their value being absent or false, in the variable defined in requiredUserJoinCloudVariable.

You must use, requiredUserJoinCloudVariable for this to work as they are linked together. These systems cannot be combined with other Cloud Variable or other access controls.

These options may be confusing at first but it is useful for controlling session access, without bypassing regular checks such as visibility and Max User Counts. We often see it uses for things like events which require registration such as conventions.

Additional Reading

For additional reading, please check the following sources:

Default Cloud Variables

Neos has a few Cloud Variables that are used internally or automatically set up for a user. These are as follows:

Variable Description
G-Neos.CustomUserColor Stores the color for the user's default headset avatar.
G-Neos.common_avatar.current Stores the user's favourited avatar.
G-Neos.cloud_home.current Stores the user's favourited cloud home.
G-Neos.virtual_keyboard.current Stores the user's favourited keyboard.
G-Neos.interactive_camera.current Stores the user's favourited camera.

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