Request Host Access (LogiX node)

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Request Host Access
'Request Host Access' LogiX node
  Impulse Request
  String Host
  String Reason
  Impulse OnDenied
  Impulse OnGranted

The Request Host Access node informs the user that owns the Request impulse that you wish to connect to a particular host, and allows them to grant or deny access.


When given a Request impulse, the following will occur:

  • If the user has previously granted access to this host, OnGranted will immediately fire
  • If the user has previously denied access to this host, OnDenied will immediately fire, and any attempt to connect to this host will fail
  • If the user has not previously granted or denied access, or has closed the prompt without selecting an option before, they will be presented with a prompt displaying the Host and Reason, and given the option to Allow or Reject the connection.
    • If allowed, OnGranted will fire, and no further prompts will be displayed.
    • If rejected, OnDenied will fire, and no further prompts will be displayed, and any attempt to connect to this host will fail
    • If dismissed, no impulse will fire, and any future host access requests will result in the prompt being shown again.

Host should contain only the host portion of the URL you wish to connect to.

For example, if you wanted to perform a GET request to, you would provide as the Host parameter.

Reason should provide a clear and concise reason for wanting to connect to the external service - It should include an obvious title or description of the object that is attempting to establish the connection, so that the user is aware of what item in the world is prompting the connection.

The object should also have some way of indicating that it did not successfully connect to the target service, and that it will not function as intended, if at all.


Node Menu

Back Twitch Websocket Escape Uri Data String GET String Is Host Access Allowed POST String
Request Host Access Unescape Uri Data String