Release Notes:

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New update!

Added proper PhysicalLocomotion module. This one will stay and is setup by default in new worlds, existing worlds you have to upgrade with the new tooltip.

You can now start using it in your worlds (upgrading existing ones and using it new) and tweaking its settings to suit it

New Features:

- Added setting for primary locomotion controller (primary is used for forward and turning for example, secondary for strafing if available)

- Added setting to disable strafing

- Exposed more properties from the CharacterController

- PhysicalLocomotion / CharacterController now supports 3D movement (useful in Zero-G mode for example to fly up and down)

- Locomotion test world now has Zero-G locomotion as well

- You can now assign SyncType fields by typing in the typename (also support for creating undo points for these)

- You can now configure CommonAvatarBuilder to force assign a locomotion module

- You can disable whether LocomotionController syncs the active module with other worlds

- PhysicalLocomotion now supports auto-respawn to last activation point when you fall below certain height (-1000 by default)


- CharacterController supports enabling and disabling properly

- Physics timestep is now smoothed out, to prevent some glitches from highly variable timestepping

- Tweaked character controller defaults

- Made Vive jump touchpad area bigger

- Default permissions now setup LocomotionPermission for builders as well


- Fixed bounds calculation for character controller when using root at the bottom mode

- Fixed certain character controller properties not getting applied correctly

- Fixed broken Area Mode for Material Gun

- Fixed area mode applying material to the user sometimes

- Fixed Material Gun applying material through objects to another, if it has a material target (e.g. a skinned mesh renderer)

- Various small fixes