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This page is a translated version of the page Stuck Sync and the translation is 54% complete.
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在我們有多個關於同步問題的解決指南,在繼續閱讀之前,請確保你正閱讀的是為你的問題準備的,要查看同步問題總覽,請前往 同步錯誤



  • Delete your Neos data/database or cache files. Doing this will likely make you lose your unsynced items, and can cause other side effects
  • Try to save and sync any more items/worlds. Doing this will add to your sync queue and if your items/worlds are not syncing properly.
  • Click "Exit & Save Homes". Doing this will also add to your sync queue.
  • Send any objects or voice messages through the Contacts tab. Doing this will also add to your sync queue and will not send until any syncing issues are fixed.
  • Change any settings. Doing this will also add to your sync queue and will not save properly until any syncing issues are fixed.
  • Reinstall Neos. Doing this does not help syncing issues, as these are stored in a separate location.



  1. 檢查儀錶盤中的同步狀態。它位於儀錶盤的頂欄中,通常顯示為「已同步」
  2. 如果它顯示「同步中」,並且後面跟着一個百分比進度,看看進度是否正在變化或是增加。等幾分鐘後再看看以確保它不只是太慢了。
  3. 如果它還是不動,那麼你的同步進度卡住了!



First, let's try some steps which are common to many sync issues:

  1. Try restarting Neos, this will re-start the sync process and can sometimes get it unstuck.
  2. Try disabling any mods, plugins or other modifications you have made to Neos, these may affect syncing.
  1. 檢查你的 日誌文件
  2. 那個離同步卡住時間最近的、其中包含了卡住的同步信息的文件,是你需要檢查的。
  3. 瀏覽日誌文件並尋找問題所在,如果你不確定該怎麼做,嘗試在 Discord 問問,或者找其他能夠幫助你定位到同步卡住信息的人。
  4. 一旦你找到了關於同步卡住的信息,跟着下面你認為與日誌中錯誤信息最相關的章節來排查問題。

Common Stuck Sync Causes

Name/Link Example Log File contents Description
Out Of Space Fail Reason: Out of space Your, Neos Account's storage is full. Read the Out Of Space page for more help.
Too Many Requests Fail Reason: Response status code does not indicate success: TooManyRequests (429); Your computer is making too many requests to Neos at the moment. Read the Too Many Requests for more help.
Conflict Anything that has the word "Conflict" Your have a sync conflict, read the Conflict page for more help.


如果以上情況都對應不上你的問題, 請在我們的問題跟蹤平台上或我們的 Discord 中向我們報告。無論你在這兩者中的哪個平台報告,都請務必提供 日誌文件.