Adder (LogiX node)

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'Adder' LogiX node
  Bool A
  Bool B
  Bool CarryIn
  Bool Y
  Bool CarryOut

The Adder node can be used to simulate the behavior of a hardware full adder circuit. It accepts two input bits plus a carry-in and returns the addition result plus a carry-out.



Node Menu

Math / Binary
Back Adder Boolean Counter Compose Bits Byte Compose Bits Int Compose Bits Long Compose Bits Sbyte
Compose Bits Short Compose Bits Uint Compose Bits Ulong Compose Bits Ushort Double As ULong Extract Bits Byte Extract Bits Int
Extract Bits Long Extract Bits Sbyte Extract Bits Short Extract Bits Uint Extract Bits Ulong Extract Bits UShort Float As UInt
Half As UShort HalfAdder UInt As Float ULong As Double UShort As Half