User:ProbablePrime/Be considerate

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Being considerate is often the answer I give to the question of "What do you wish Neos users or its community would do more?" etc. It often takes people by surprise because they expect answers that are more tactical or technical and easy to be clear or crisp on. But no, this is the most important thing you can do. Presented here is an ever growing random list of ways I've seen users being "inconsiderate" and ways to improve in these areas and the reasons behind them.

Some of these reasons are personal, they deal with issues I face, but some deal with issues we all face. Others are guideline breaching.


This is not a personal attack on you or friends you know, this is just a list of behaviours. I even do some of these. By recognizing the behaviour and taking steps to improve them... we'll all be better at Neos. This gets a little ranty, but I hope the humour helps. Rants are good. I hope the location of this page underneath my actual user page makes that clear. This is my space not the team's I'm ranting. Enjoy!

With that in front of us... lets get started!


In general here are some pointers:

  • You are a guest in the session hosts session. They can ask you to do things. Its not an attack on you. They are requests.
    • Imagine their session as you visiting their home.
    • If they ask you to take your shoes off. You just do it.
    • if they ask you not to spawn obnoxiously loud items, Just don't.
  • Be considerate, you are a person trying to exist in this world/session. What can you do to be the better person?
  • Read the Room
  • Ask for consent
    • Consent goes beyond, just sexual or intimate matters.
    • Here's a nice list that is NOT exhaustive. Ask before:
      • You grab me/pick me up
      • You throw me
      • You force something into my face such as food, a virtual drug, a hat
      • You touch me
      • You show something to me
      • You shoot me
  • Know how and when to help, and when to just stay silent.
  • Ask politely for permissions, POLITELY. Don't demand them either.


You've installed the latest "system" on your avatar? Cool read this!

Hidden Layer Systems

You might call it "Twilight" or "Alternate Dimensions". I don't care, don't use them.

Why? Because its rude, You joined someone else's world to hide in another layer? Why? For security, privacy and my comfort you can't be in these systems and I don't think you have a reason to be in them.

Reasons I've heard why these exist:

  • It lets me have private conversations
    • Actually it doesn't, using about 3 different methods I can listen to your conversation even if you're in whisper mode. For private conversations go to another world.
  • It lets me hide from people
    • If you want to hide from people then don't join the world.
  • It's cool
    • So are lasers, I don't fire them in your face all the time though
  • Its part of my character
    • Ok so your character has teleport, or paranormal powers cool. Be polite though. Go watch "Hollow Man" or early episodes of "The Boys" no one likes the invisible man in their bathrooms.
  • It lets me only hang out with my friends in a world
    • Ok, then go host a world with them and leave my world.
  • I'm not doing anything malicious
    • How do I know? I can't see you!


Things you can do to be more considerate with avatars.


Don't disable your colliders. I know this prevents most "knockback guns" etc. But it also breaks common interactions that make creating games and experiences very hard. Treat the problem at its source by reporting players who harass you with these guns.


Don't install locomotion modules on my world root. I know you want to climb, grab, fly etc. But ask me before you do. Its my world. I've started restricting locomotion settings on all my worlds and sessions to only ones I control because of this. Double jumping in a parkour game mode is cheating.


Bake your blendshapes

Did you know that Neos has the ability to increase the performance of your avatar for you? Its very quick!, Its in-game!


You can see a full guide of this here:

I often hear the following statements about this feature and I want to respond to each in turn:

  • I don't have the time
    • It takes less than an hour
  • I don't know if I need those blendshapes
    • Save TWO copies of your avatar, One which is the "In-Use" avatar. One is the "WIP/Building avatar".
    • Bake the blendshapes on the In-Use avatar
    • Additionally, you can bake the ones that you know you won't use. For example if your avatar/character identifies as male, you likely don't need the breasts blendshape... BAKE IT
  • I shouldn't have to... Neos should fix it for me
    • Sure, maybe we'll do that at some point. Until then... bake them... Thanks!
  • I get confused with all the versions of my avatar, you don't have inventory management
    • Use folders, "Avatars/Cheese Avatar/Baked" => The in use one. "Avatars/Cheese Avatar/Building" => The one with all blendshapes.
  • I don't know how to do that

Remove guideline breaking avatar...things

If your "appendage" is on your avatar but hidden, invisible, shrunk down, under clothing etc. It still breaks the guidelines.

Remove it. You are breaking the rules and I will report you to moderation if i find anymore identifiable appendages on your avatar or in my cache.

My cache is full of sooo many appendages. Its ridiculous. Use the inventory system. Spawn into your.... appendage wearing avatar when you need your appendage.

Common responses I hear here are:

  • Its part of my identity
    • It breaks the guidelines, sorry. That means its not allowed
  • No one can see it
    • It still downloads to my computer, I don't want your appendages on my computer
  • The moderators don't police it
    • Moderators are NOT "beat cops" its not their job to upskirt you in sessions to check. Its their job to respond to reports. REPORT things that you see.
  • Its on a cloud variable
    • I don't care, its breaking the guidelines get rid of it.

Don't fear me moderating you too much. Of course my views might not neccessarily overlap with the guidelines so read those. I'll police my sessions with my own views but can only police Neos users by their breaches of the guidelines. Additionally i'd never do this without making a ticket and letting another moderator handle/sign off on the restriction.

Making mistakes is ok too, If you apologize and fix the problem immediately that's totally fine. What bugs me though, is when users instead get defensive, aggressive or break further guidelines when I point out that they are breaking one. That's silly.

Name badges

I would like and request that your name badge has a few things:

  • An accurate name, do not use Character names, aliases or impersonation
  • A clear font, individuality is totally fine but please don't use incredibly hard to read names
  • The friend link component, If I click your name badge.. i expect it to load your contact page. Please make sure this works. Sometimes I see other's contact pages and that's wrong :(
  • It should respond to the name badge hiding facet. If i set namebadges to show all, I expect to see a namebadge. If i select off, I expect it to hide.

Often responses I hear to these requests and a response from me are as follows:

  • Changing my name on my badge is part of my identity
    • I love roleplaying too. If you're in an RP world. That's totally fine.
    • But I remember users by their names, avatars and name badges. Its like a pattern recognition system. If you change it up too much I literally don't know who you are.
  • Everyone knows who i am so i hide my namebadge
    • I don't know who you are and I'm on the Neos team. My memory needs the name badges sometimes.
  • We're watching a film so I turned name badges off for the entire world
    • Cool... but uh... use the face that turns them off for just you. I still need them, even when I'm watching a film.
  • I don't know how to set it up correctly
    • I uh don't have a tutorial for this yet.. I will but until then please ask.


Where do I even start with this. I have hard of hearing friends and I'm partially audio sensitive myself. What does that mean? Well it means if there's too many loud noises I can't even think.

In General

Make all audio localizable, including:

  • Music
  • Sound Effects
  • Multimedia
  • Avatar effects
  • Guns etc

Test all your audio at 100% on SFX and Multimedia its how I play. Test all your audio for the right channel. SFX goes to SFX! not voice...


  • Test your world using Multimedia and SFX at 100%. You should balance your world at this level. I don't care if you always run Neos at 2% SFX and multimedia. Some users will have it at 100%. Balance your AUDIO!
  • Setup audio fall offs, If I'm far away from something. I shouldn't hear it.
  • Provide settings for me to adjust the audio levels


  • Test your avatar with Multimedia and SFX at 100%, Yes you run neos at 2% SFX but I don't.
  • Setup audio falloffs, I should not be able to hear your avatar if I'm a mile away.
  • make interaction audio local only:
    • I don't need to hear the Halo sound track when you open your context menu. I also don't need to hear clicks, bloops or the Kingdom Hears sound effects. Make it LOCAL
    • I don't need to hear sounds when you open your dash or close it. Make it Local.
  • Ask yourself if you NEED it:
    • Do you need to make bell sounds?
    • Do I need to hear them from across the map?
    • Do you need to make iron man explosion noises when you join/leave a world?
    • Do you need to constantly teleport across the map making annoying noises when you pop in or out?
    • Do you need to be General Radhan?


  • Test your tool/gadget with Multimedia and SFX at 100%, Yes you run neos at 2% SFX but I don't.
  • Setup audio falloffs, I should not be able to hear your gadget if I'm a mile away. (If its a rocket launcher sureeee but like you know, common sense guys)
  • Loud does not mean good, use loudness for situationally relevant things. Explosions => Sure, Opening a chest => Should NOT blow my ear drums.

Video Players

Localize these, I want to turn them down or mute them. Start these as OPT-IN, as in make the default localized volume: 0. That way I can OPT-IN to hearing it

Audio Players and Streamers

Localize these, I want to turn them down or mute them. Start these as OPT-IN, as in make the default localized volume: 0. That way I can OPT-IN to hearing it

Common Responses to these items

  • Everyone runs Neos at 2% audio
    • Yeah... I don't.
    • Here's how to change your perspective. Running at 2% means you're experiencing the game at 2% of Normal. When I play atmospheric games or worlds or even judge them... I run at 100% to get 100% of the author's intentions.
    • This is why you need to balance everything you make.
  • I don't know how
    • Learn, ask
  • I need to make a lot of noise
    • Please ask before doing so
    • Please consider leaving my session if you need to
  • I need the SFX on my interaction events(ctx menus etc)
    • I understand, but please make them local
  • Guns make neos fun
    • Not for me, please go elsewhere.