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Tyto tutoriály pokrývají rozmanité funkce Neosu, od základních nástrojů a funkcí po ukázky tvorby specifických objektů a prostředí. Většina odkazů vede na video tutoriály (v Angličtině).
- A Basic Tutorial
- How to get setup and get into Neos
- Neos VR Crash Course
- Neos VR beginner crash course - importing avatars, inventory, camera and more (livestream tutorial)
- Neos VR beginner crash course - building worlds and importing assets (livestream tutorial)
- Neos VR beginner crash course - basic creation tools, particle systems (livestream tutorial)
- Neos VR beginner crash course - Permissions and Settings (and mayhem at the end)
Sociální etiketa
Základní nástroje
- Material Gun
- Glue Tooltip
- Light Tooltip
- Shape Tooltip
- Measuring Tooltip
- Pen Tooltip
- Label Tooltip
- Importer Tooltip (importing assets into Neos)
- Developer Tooltip (including scene and component inspector)
- LogiX Tooltip (basics of the Neos' visual programming system)
- Component Clone Tooltip
- Clone and apply dynamic Components with ComponentCloneTip
- Convex Hull Brush
- Developer tools
Workflow assetů
- Importing Assets
- Convex Hull Decomposition
- Upgrade your world with physical locomotion
- Improve your world collider settings
- Optimizing Collision Physics
- Creating skyboxes
- Lighting
- NeosVR World Lighting Tutorial
- Exporting Models from Neos
- Import model, make it spin
- Edit objects in your worlds easily with Gizmos
- Pivots and Origins
- Non-Uniform Scale Tips
- Avoid Non-Uniform scaling with Procedural Meshes
- Creating a visual identity for your worlds - Color Grading
Materiály a textury
- Tvorba materiálů
- Anisotropic Filtering (AKA Why your textures look ugly)
- Building animated materials with LogiX
- Creating procedural white noise material
- Overview of PBS Displace Materials and a Terrain Visualizer
- PBS Distance Lerp Materials for Distance Based Visualizations
Umělecké nástroje
- Brush System Walkthrough
- Creating a grass brush
- Creating Brushes in NeosVR - Geometry Line Brushes
- Creating a leaf brush
Cloudové funkce
- Submitting Worlds do veřejného hubu
- Avatar Fitting
- Avatars Pt.1 - Your first Avatar
- Avatars Pt.2 - Setting up a known Avatar Model
- Avatars Pt.3 - Working with multiple Materials
- Avatars Pt.4 - Importing Unity Package Contents into Neos
- Baking Avatar Meshes in Neos VR to improve performance
- Basic Avatar Setup
- Change Shader / Material Type on an Avatar
- Custom Hands for Head and Hands Avatars
- From A to Neos how to import avatars and set up a jaw bone
- Customizing a Nametag
- How to make a Custom Nametag
- NeosVR devlog - quick grip pose adjustment
- Implementing Desktop System on Avatars
- Import 3D model avatar into Neos VR
- Indicating when you're Mute with your Avatar
- Manual avatar finger rig setup
- New Full Body Calibration tool in Neos VR (tutorial)
- Posing (unoccupied) avatars, posing dynamic bone chains, attaching avatar targets to other objects, animating avatars with LogiX
- Remote Audio for your Avatar
- Rig transfer tool
- Setting up a Near Clip for your Avatars
- Driving a Shape Key base on avatar Ground Collision (Wings unfolding)
Obličej, blendshapes, a gesta
- 2D Blinking tutorial example
- Setting up Gestures with no Logix
- Basic Facial Gestures with Standard Controller
- Basic shape key manipulation with LogiX
- Blendshapes and Avatar setup NeosVR
- The Ultimate Neos Blend Shape Guide
- Driving Avatar Expressions with the HTC Lip Tracking module in Neos VR
- Driving Shape keys with a Timer
- EyeLinearDriver for Automatic Character Blinking
- Manual Eye setup for tricky Avatars
- Manual jaw setup
- Manual Viseme Setup for Problematic Avatars
- Setting up avatar jaw lipsync in Neos VR
- Upgrading avatar with blendshapes / visemes
Dynamic Bones
- How to setup Dynamic Bones for your Avatar + Tips & Tricks
- Dynamic Bone Chain in Neos VR - Quick & Easy Setup Tutorial
- Setting up dynamic bone chain
- Dynamic Bone Chain in Neos VR - Advanced Avatar Setup
Nástroje pro tvorbu
- Brush System Walkthrough
- Creating brushes in Neos VR part 1 - Geometry Line Brush
- Creating grass brush in Neos VR
- Building leaf brush in Neos VR
- Reliable Tool Scaling with RawDataTooltip
Tvorba objektů
- Scripting interactive spaceship door
- Building a gun in NeosVR - pt.1 Model
- Building a gun in NeosVR - pt.2 Sounds
- Building a fire torch (part of Magic Forest tutorials)
- Building a flashlight
- Adding interactivity to furniture models
- Making a turret that shoots you in the face with a laser
- Vehicle System Overview - NEOS VR
Tvorba prostředí
Základní tvorba světů
Tvorba magického lesa
- Setting up the forest (part 1)
- Making magic mushrooms (part 2)
- Building a fire torch (part 3)
- AssetFrameSlot for Dynamic Assets
- Creating a Chair with Avatar Anchors
- Using AssetMultiplexer to change Materials.
- AxisAligner
- AxisPanner
- Boolean Switcher
- Boolean Toggle
- Using the BooleanValueDriver for Simple Value Changes
- Building a Cube from Scratch
- Using Character Parenter for Ships, Vehicles and Elevators
- Teleport users using CharacterTeleporter
- CircleAligner
- Let CopyGlobalTransform... copy global transforms for you
- DestroyOnUser leave, it destroys when a user leaves
- DestroyRoot
- Using DestroyWithoutChildren for automatic world cleanup.
- Using the DistanceMeter Component for measuring distances
- Driving fields directly with DriveField
- FloatTextEditorParser for Automatic Float UI
- GrabbableAvatarPoseFilter Restrict hand movements when grabbing objects
- Grabbable Overview
- GrabbableParenter
- Use grab priorities to control overlapping grabbables
- GrabbableReceiverSurface for Easy Shelves and Tables
- GrabbableReparentBlock
- GrabInstancer
- Grid Alignments with ObjectGridAligner
- Using Joint to make A Door Pt. 1
- Using Joint to make a Door pt.2
- Doors Pt.3 using TouchToggle and Tween for an automatic Door
- MaterialApplyPolicy - Prevent Materials being applied to objects
- Radio button and Radio button group component
- LaserPointer Tool with RayDriver
- LinearMapper's PackXYZ and Re-Map without Logix
- LODGroup Component in NeosVR
- Multiple audio outputs for the same audio source
- Day Night Cycle with MultiTextureFader
- Panner1D, 2D, 3D
- Control the Active Session list with SessionOrbsController
- Slider - A useful alternative to Grabbable
- Snap Target Note: BusinessLawyer has an example in one of his tutorial worlds too
- Snap things with Snappers
- SphereAligner
- Spin things with Spinner
- BasicToolip with RayCastOne
- Easy Straight lines with SegmentMesh and SlotSegmentMesh
- ScaleAligner
- Useful Tagging Components
- Easy audio reactive elements with TalkVisualizer
- Easy Countdown Clock with TextCountdownClock
- TimeIntDriver for Integer Animations
- TouchValueOption for Simple UI
- Distance Based Mirrors with UserDistanceValueDriver
- Using UserJoinAudioIndicator for simple User Join and Leave Notifications
- Using ValueMultiDriver to drive FOUR lights
- ValueCopy
- ValueUserOverride for Local World State
- Wiggle things with Wiggler
- Wobble things with the Wobbler
- Avatar Pedestals
- Iterate through / Examine Bones in a Rig
- A Counter which counts up to a certain threshold
- Counter Widget Pt.2 - UI
- Data Types
- DateTime and TimeSpan Nodes for easy Time Maths
- Using DateTime Nodes to make accurate Stopwatches and Countdowns
- Drives vs writes and divergent feedback loops
- Format LogiX node for nicely formatted data
- Dynamic Impulse nodes
- Dynamic material swapping - NeosVR
- Find out who has Equipped a Tool
- Hand Gestures controlling Multiplexers - NeosVR
- How to create DynamicImpulseReceiver with Values
- Logix Event Nodes
- GetComponentEnabled & SetComponentEnabled
- Using the If node for Impulse Flow Control
- Impulse Demultiplexer
- Logix Driven Material Management
- Make an object make a sound when you Click it
- Organizing LogiX using ValueField components
- Lerping with Smooth Lerp, Constant Lerp, Lerp and Multi-Lerp
- Oscillating / Reciprocating Motion with LogiX
- Using PhysicalButton for... Physical Buttons
- PickRandom node it picks random stuff!
- Rainbow Shader (Material)
- Use Slot Children Events to receive events when Slots are changed
- Make a sound when a world saves
- Play A Random Sound when a Button is Pressed
- Trigger a sound when an object is near a User's Face
- Sprite Sheets with UVAtlasAnimator
- Stopwatch node for Timed LogiX operations
- Using the ?: LogiX Node for Conditionals
- Using TouchableData for simple touch based interactions
- Using TouchEventRelay for complicated Touch Events
- Tween Node for Animations
- Using User Joined and User Left for more complex Join/Leave Notifications
- Variables
- What I know About Variables and Ternary Nodes
- Writing a URL to a video player without a dev window open
- Get String from Node.js app
Úvod do LogiXu
- Logix Tutorial and Intro Concepts :Part 1
- Visual scripting in VR #1 Introduction to LogiX
- Visual scripting in VR #2 Working with nodes
- Visual scripting in VR #3 Data Types
- Visual scripting in VR #4 Controlling properties
- Visual scripting in VR #5 Coordinate Spaces
- Visual scripting in VR #6 Checkboxes and Buttons
- Visual scripting in VR #7 Finalizing Your Setup
- Visual scripting in VR #8 Variables
- Components vs Logix which is better? Answer: Both ;)
- Controlling User Climbing and Gripping in your Worlds
- Enable climbing on everything
- Creating an Animated GIF in Neos
- DeveloperMode, The thing you shouldn't use.
- Finding People
- Local Checkboxes for Performance Options
- Neos VR Behind The Scenes: Creator Jam 16 - Swappable Body Parts
- Neos VR Behind the Scenes: Trust - CJ15 Overview
- How to set up performance monitor for headless client
- Explaining LogiX for Neos VR headless client performance monitor
- How persistence works in Neos
- Public Folders and how to use them.
- Please enable spectator interactions for suitable controls
- Social Stuff - Reading the Room
- Using Custom Fonts in Neos
- World Orbs and Session Orbs
Týkající se Neosu
- Blender to NeosVR - Textures and FBX Importing - Tutorial
- Casually's Hella Quick-and-Easy Neos Unity SDK tutorial!
- Unity Metallic Value Charts
- Unity PBS Shaders
- Unity Render Queue
- Meta Pt.1 - Setting up OBS for Making Tutorials
- Meta Pt.2 Getting your Neos Session into a Zoom Meeting
- How to edit the Wiki!
- Controlling the Audio level of Users
- Controlling Users' Avatars
- Block Cloud Avatars
- Permissions Part 1
- Permission Pt. 2 - Advanced
- Permissions Pt. 3 - Examples
- Permissions - Prevent users from saving a copy of your world
- Spectator Enabled Buttons
- Permissions - Using tags to restrict Locomotion Settings
Tvorba s Neosem
- Customise your Streaming Camera
- Open Neos' Built-in Twitch Chat Integration
- Playing Twitch Streams and YouTube Links In-Game
- Twitch Integration Pt.1 - Introduction
- Twitch Pt.2 - Reading Messages
- Twitch Pt.3 - Turning a Light On with a Command
- Twitch Pt.4 - Dynamic Impulses
- Twitch Pt.5 - Dynamic Impulses and Twitch
- Twitch Pt.6 Inspecting the Neos Twitch House
- Creating text in Neos VR
- Import and style a text file from your computer and style it
- Working with Text Files Part 1
- Text Files Pt.2 - Write Text To File Node
- Text Files Pt.3 - Using My Data Disk
Uživatelské prostředí (UI)
- ButtonEnumShift
- It toggles a value..
- ButtonValueCycle Cycle through a list of values without LogiX
- ButtonValueSet. It sets a value when a button is pressed
- ButtonValueShift - Automatically shift values around
- Exploring the Radial Menu
- Customising Inventory Thumbnails
- Styling Neos UI Elements