Trajectory (LogiX node)

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'Trajectory' LogiX node
  Float3 InitialVelocity
  Float3 Gravity
  Float Drag
  Float Time
  Float3 Position

The Trajectory node solves for the positional displacement of a projectile according to a set of parameters. This node can be used to help simulate the parabolic motion of a projectile.


The output of the node (Float3 position) is the position the object will be at relative to the origin at the time that is input at the Time input (Float time), which takes an input of where in time during the trajectory arc you want to have the position of

The gravity input (Float3 gravity) will be how fast the position will move in the direction input at a constant acceleration, generally the standard being a Float3 of (0, -9.81, 0), which results in normal earth gravity on the y axis

Initial Velocity (Float3 intialvelocity) will be your velocity you want it to have at time 0, or when the movement should start

Drag (Float drag) is needed if you want air resistance over time. This can usually be disregarded by setting the value to near zero, however a value of 0 will break the calculations so a value greater than 0 has to be put in


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Math / Physics
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