Tipjar (Component)

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Tip Jar component as seen in the Scene Inspector

The TipJar component can be used to spawn in the "Send Credits" dialogue when activated, allowing users to send KFC and NCR to each other.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
RecipientID String The user ID of the recipient of the tip.
Token String Which currency to be tipped. Can be either KFC, NCR or CDFT. If this is null or empty string, the dialog that is created will offer the options of KFC and NCR. Any other values will cause the TipJar to not do anything at all. Note that while CDFT gives a usable "Send Credits" dialogue, the user will at the end be met with an error as CDFT can't be sent to others.


The TipJar component works by simply adding it to a slot. Now, if anything on or under that slot is clicked, the "Send Credits" dialogue will appear, prompting whoever clicked it to send the specified token to the specified user. There is a cooldown after activating a TipJar, preventing a user from activating it again for a short while.

If the recipient is also the user trying to send the tip, the TipJar will open an empty "Send Credits" dialgoue.


Related Issues

#1727 - TipJar doen't use it with IButton

#1744 - Allow tipjar to be triggered via UIX

#2509 - Tip Jar Component doesn't let you choose which type of currency you'd like to see tipped

#2560 - TipJar Back Button can't interact when select Currency in Inspector

#2652 - TipJar Cooldown should be Local

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