Set Normalized Position (LogiX node)

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Set Normalized Position
'Set Normalized Position' LogiX node
  Impulse Set
  Float NormalizedPosition
  IPlayable Target
  Impulse OnDone

The Set Normalized Position node sets the playback position of the Target such that the normalized playback position equals the NormalizedPosition input.


The OnDone output fires an impulse after an impulse is received at Set and the playback position of the Target has been set. An impulse is fired regardless of whether the playback position of the Target was changed by this action. Note that this output will not fire if there is no valid Target referenced.

The NormalizedPosition input is effectively clamped to the range 0 - 1 inclusive. This can be interpreted as a fractional position along the playback, i.e. if NormalizedPosition is 0.5 the playback position will be set exactly half-way along the clip.

The playback position of a Target can be changed during playback without interrupting it and playback continues from the new position. However if the input NormalizedPosition is less than or equal to 0 playback restarts. Similarly, if NormalizedPosition is greater than or equal to 1, playback stops with the playback position set to the value of the clip length.

Components which can be referenced as an IPlayable include Animator, AudioClipPlayer, and VideoTextureProvider.


Node Menu

Back Clip Length Drive Playback Is Looped Is Playing Normalized Position Pause
Pause/Resume Play Play & Wait Playback State Position Resume Set Loop
Set Normalized Position Set Position Set Speed Shift Position Speed Stop Wait