Release Notes:

From Neos Wiki
Jump to navigation Jump to search A bugfix release! Thanks to @Popii ❀ , @aadhux , @ProbablePrime and @0utsider for the logs!

The mysterious case of spontaneous avatar combustion is still at large in this build though.


- Disabled double Esc exiting session in VR mode (will only work in screen mode) (based on feedback from @sirkitree )

- Fixed race condition in the new custom threading for the physics system, causing physics system corruption and/or world crashes

- Fixed errors in UI.Buttons when Canvas component couldn't be found

- Added a guard for missing character controller on the PhysicalLocomotion module. This should fix movement not working after downgrading to an older build and upgrading to a newer one again

- Fixed fully body avatars sometimes getting scaled to zero