네트워킹 정보

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네오스는 다른 사용자와 네오스 클라우드 서비스에 연결되어 있는 기능이 풍부한 엔진입니다. 걱정되시는 분, 또는 방화벽을 설정하고 싶으신 분은 여기를 참조하세요.

HTTP & 웹소켓 트래픽(WebSocket Traffic)

다음과 같은 것이 있습니다 :

  • 메시지
  • 프로필 정보
  • 연락처 요청
  • 본인 인벤토리
  • 본인 인벤토리 내의 아이템 & 본인 아바타

이 정보는 모두 네오스 클라우드에 저장되어 있습니다. 네오스는 HTTP(S) 또는 웹소켓(WebSocket)을 사용하여, 이 정보를 얻습니다. 다음은 당신이 연결을 볼 수 있는 장소의 목록입니다 :

  • 대부분의 HTTPS 트래픽은 api.neos.com 입니다.
  • SignalR(Realtime Updates)는 Microsoft Managed service에 웹소켓(WebSocket)으로 접속합니다.
  • 에셋(아바타, 메쉬, 텍스쳐) 및 기타 Blobs(대용량 파일)는 cloudx2.azureedge.net 에서 보내집니다.
    • 에셋들은 assets.neos.com에도 저장됩니다.
  • 썸네일은 cloudxthumbnails.azureedge.net 에 저장됩니다.
    • 썸네일은 operationaldata.neos.com에도 저장됩니다.
  • 일부 추가 데이터는 cloudxstorage.blob.core.windows.net에 저장됩니다.

세션 트래픽

네오스 세션에 연결하면, 해당 세션의 호스트에 대한 접속이 시작됩니다. 이것은 보통 다른 사용자의 컴퓨터이지만, 다른 클라우드 기반 데이터 센터에서 호스트 되는 헤드리스 세션인 경우도 있습니다. 당신의 설정과 세션 호스트의 설정에 따라, 다음의 2개의 프로토콜 중 하나로 호스트에 접속 합니다:

  • LNL
  • 스팀 소켓(Steam Sockets)


  • LNL은 UDP로 연결합니다.
  • 포트는 다양하며, 호스트는 어떠한 포트든 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 몇몇 연결에서는 NAT punch through가 필요합니다. 이는 보통 UDP Hole Punching 구현 입니다.
    • 이는 12500포트를 사용하여 matchx.centralus.cloudapp.azure.com 로 접속하는 단계에서 발생합니다.
  • 다른 경우에는 릴레이를 사용합니다.
    • LNL 릴레이는 위와 동일하나 포트는 12600 입니다.
  • punch through 또는 릴레이 후 사용자가 원하는 IP 나 포트로 연결 할 수 있습니다.

스팀 소켓(Steam Sockets)

스팀 소켓(Steam Sockets)은 벨브(Valve)가 개발한 네트워크 프로토콜입니다. 이것에 대한 정보는 여기서 확인 할 수 있습니다

연결 방식

Direct IP

직접 연결은 일반적으로 최고로 좋은 방식입니다. 원격 서버에 직접 연결하는 것으로, 이는 네오스에게 어디로 접속하는지 직접적으로 전달하는 것입니다. (IP나 도메인 이름을 통해 연결합니다).

Direct IP 사용방법

  • OpenWorld 로직스 노드를 이용합니다. uri(회색 입력)에 공개IP와 포트 번호를“lnl://IP주소:포트번호/”형식으로 입력합니다.
    • IPv6 형식의 주소를 사용하신다면“lnl://[IP주소]:포트번호/”형식이며, 대괄호로 감싸면 됩니다.
    • DNS를 통해 연결할 수도 있으나, 테스트되지 않았습니다.
  • 현재 포트번호는 url의 한 부분으로 구성됩니다.
  • 이것은 주로 특정 IP와 포트번호를 가진 헤드리스 세션에서 이용됩니다.

A bug be here: Due to a bug in the current library the direct connection is not attempted and a Nat Punchthrough is attempted instead. This is normally fine, the middle server would end up creating an identical network, if not for the additional bug below.

NAT Punchthrough

This is used when both sides are behind a Nat (Network Address Translation) layer. These layers are common in household routers and modems. Punchthrough allows a connection directly from one peer inside a NAT into another peer inside a different NAT (hence peer to peer). However, doing so requires a middle server that helps build the connection. The process for this is more complex, and has a higher likelihood of failing. Once a connection is established though, it’s as good as a direct connection in terms of performance, only the connection takes a bit of extra effort and can fail based on how the network is set up.

If you encounter Nat Punchthrough issues, you may be behind a strict, or type 3, nat; see https://portforward.com/nat-types/ To check this, try one of the following:

  • Check this site, created by Rucio https://networktest.razortune.com/
  • If you have Windows 10/11 with
    • Xbox Console Companion - Settings > Network and click Check Again at least once to ensure it runs a proper check on your NAT type
    • Xbox Networking - Click Check Again at least once to ensure it runs a proper check on your NAT type
  • If you have a Playstation 3 or 4
    • Network > Test Internet Connection > NAT Type is Type 3
  • If you have a Nintendo Switch
    • Settings > Internet Settings > Test Connection Type… something, thanks nintendo

If you are behind a type 3, there are two paths you can take to move out of it

  • Your router has a strict nat
    • Update your router's config to not be a strict nat, this may be called:
    • Moderate type 2
      • Open
      • Strict Port
      • Full Cone
      • Something else, check your router manual
    • Your ISP has put you behind a strict nat

A possible bug be here: One current issue seems to be that the NAT Punchthrough server occasionally does not respond very quickly, and the client does not always wait for a response and tries the next protocol on it’s internal list to attempt.

Another bug be here: The punchthrough server does not support IPv6, instead only supporting IPv4. Some ISPs in some parts of the world, such as Japan, use exclusively IPv6. Users in these networks may not be able to use Nat Punchthrough (this gets very complicated very quickly, results will vary).

LnL Relay

This one comes with performance implications. The relay acts as a third point between both clients, and all traffic is routed through it. Ping will likely be worse here (but not always). If the relay has issues or is overloaded, you may also get service issues.

헤드리스 서버를 위한 추천사항

To better support direct connection conditions it is suggested server hosts try to promote direct IP connections and IPv6 support.

  • If your ISP supports IPv6 using CGNAT
    • turn of CGNAT
    • Use IPv4 PPPoE instead

Port Forwarding:

  • Check what port is used in your headless, you can set the port using the “forceport” property of the headless config.
  • Configure your network as applicable to forward said port, if UPnP is available this is likely not needed.

Guide users to use Direct IP instead of the relay

  • It is suggested headless world hosts make premade objects for this, such as a fancy looking button that summons the user to your world. Make this an elaborate calling card. This is your chance to have a user keep a link to your world in their world, make it pretty!

공유기 권장 설정

Many consumer routers are configured by default to provide optimal connectivity for Neos by routing traffic in such a way which permits the ability for users to directly establish a connection to other users on the Internet. However, some advanced routers employ a type of NAT (Network Address Translation) where port numbers are not preserved when communicating with other hosts on the Internet. This type of NAT is often referred to as Strict, or “Type-3”. As the name implies, the strict nature of this type of NAT does not permit the ability to establish connections with other users.

For the best Neos experience, it is recommended to configure your router in such a way to permit a Moderate or Type-2 NAT from the computer running Neos. Each manufacturer implements this configuration differently and the terminology is not often the same between brands. Please refer to the documentation for your particular router or ask for assistance in the #❓questions-help channel in the Neos Discord server.

LNL Relay Support for Strict NAT

Example of the LNL Relay text as seen when joining a world where an LNL Relay is used.

Neos provides a method for users who are using a router with Strict NAT to connect to other users by using an intermediary server known as the Neos LNL Relay. Although this solution will work for occasional use, it may not provide the best performance depending on geographic location and network load/congestion.

You can determine if you are connecting through an LNL Relay by the presence of the “LNL Relay” text appearing under the “Loading…” message while joining a world. The presence of the “LNL Relay” text when joining a world means that Neos was unable to connect to the host user directly and the Neos LNL Relay server was used.

The presence of the “LNL Relay” text typically indicates that either you, the host user, or both users may be behind a Strict / Type-3 NAT. If you see this message each time you connect to a world, there is a good chance that you are behind a router that is configured for Strict / Type-3 NAT.

It is recommended to use a Moderate or Type-2 NAT to avoid the dependency on using the LNL Relay. See the Router Configuration section above for more information.

uPNP/NAT-PMP와 포트 포워딩

Neos does not currently offer support for port forwarding or uPNP/NAT-PMP. An enhancement request has been made on the Neos Github to provide this support. Github Issue #3312