MMC 2021

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The Metaverse Maker Competition 2021 (MMC 2021) was a competition that ran from September 1st 2021 to October 1st 2021. The event was organised and run by Medra, ProbablePrime, and other members of the Creator Jam team. The rules and general information for this competition can be found in this Google document.

Official Results

The official results were announced here (Part 1) and here (Part 2) and they are copied below. There were 3 prizewinning placements (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) available in each of the 9 categories. In addition to the 9 winners, there were a several Honorable Mentions to recognise selected entries who won a separate type of prize.

In 2021, entry categories were organized in a hierarchical structure into 9 total categories. Placements were awarded based on community voting (49% of total) and official judging (51% of total). The judges were Medra, Frooxius, ProbablePrime, CanadianGit, and Jak Wilmot from Disrupt VR.



World/Creation Placement Team
Gunnbot 1st Gunnar
False Goddess 2nd PurpleJuice
leech avatar 3rd levia


World/Creation Placement Team
Badge Maker 1st yakiringo & Rabbuttz
Shop MrSB 2nd Komashiba
MultiStaff 3rd Eventide


World/Creation Placement Team
Figure Generator フィギュア制作機 1st Team Orange: Orange, Sharkmare, I'm Erin., Rabbuttz
Rusty Exosuit 2nd Rustybot
立ち絵生成機 Standing Image 3rd υμβραν



World/Creation Placement Team
Traffic System - Showcase 1st The Science Team: marsmaantje, Elektrospy
LKGP Quilt Camera 2nd υμβραν
Bitbot Multitool 3rd Rustybot


World/Creation Placement Team
CytraX Studios - The Novahawk 1st CytraX: MattyK, Zandario, Aegis, Duff, Kal, Ukilop, Irick, Irix
Terraforming Simulator 2nd Good_neighbour
Mechanical KeyBoard 3rd MK


World/Creation Placement Team
Sphere Detector 1st Team Bunny: Soap, I'm Erin.
Finger Universe 2nd Danyy59
Cool Genius Stylish Spaghetti LogiX Tip 3rd MotoMaid



World/Creation Placement Team
BULLET BUSTER 2nd GONT_3 & Kombashiba
Aerial Guardian 3rd Aetoriz, Jphonix, Orange


World/Creation Placement Team
Rocky Retreat 1st Team VibeZ
The Hole in the Wall 2nd Kulza
Rave Cave 3rd Hardlight


World/Creation Placement Team
Time and Gears 1st TeamGHJ: GAWAWA, Holy Water, JPhonix
Lucaedr's Lookout 2nd Lucaedr & Zaravi
(Unofficial) Interactive Neos Tutorial 3rd Team Constant Slerps

Honourable Mentions



World/Creation Team
Le Petit Prince" haja
Drawing Four seasons JP Team: Ginjake
MIRROR? room rhenium


World/Creation Team
GunnGame Team: GunnOS
MMC Hide & Seek 2021 Shorty, Vigilabo,dmx
Quest: Infiltrate the Dark Lord's Castle ♥️ Froppy ♥️ & toydragon


World/Creation Team
Neon Den Team:Hedgedogs
The Metaverse Hotel Team: TBA
Umi ga mieru Ryoakan Team: haruru806

Avatar: Avatars

World/Creation Team
AstraVinn HybridKyth & Ralii



World/Creation Team
DIY Tool guhehep
Inside Neos G59


World/Creation Team
Blue Inspector rhenium
Inside Neos G59
Create New 3DModel Plus MotoMaid


World/Creation Team
Albert** Team: Warp Gate


For the MMC in 2021, Neos Badges were given out to participants and winners. The Badges page has information about what these look like.


The 3 prizewinning teams in each category were awarded prizes of NCR, CDFT, and 3D trophy models. The NCR prizes were funded by generous donations from many members of the Neos community.

For the 3 placements in each category, the prizes were:

Placement NCR CDFT
1st 2500 9000
2nd 1250 5000
3rd 750 2500

Members of teams with an Honorable Mention were awarded a permanent 25GB cloud storage increase.

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