LookAtUser (Component)

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LookAtUser component as seen in the Scene Inspector


The LookAtUser component drives the rotation specified by _rotationDrive to point towards the user specified in TargetUser, or the Local User if TargetAtLocalUser is checked.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
TargetUser User The user to look at, unless TargetAtLocalUser is checked.
TargetAtLocalUser Bool Targets the Local User in each client.
SourcePositionOffset Float3 Offset from which to calculate the look vector.
Invert Bool The rotated item faces away from the user, instead of towards.
RotationOffset FloatQ The degree to which the item is rotated away from the look vector.
PositionSource UserNode The UserNode to calculate the look vector from
AroundAxis Bool The rotation is around an arbitrary axis defined in Axis.
Axis Float3 A unit vector specifying the arbitrary axis to rotate around
_rotationDrive FloatQ Automatically Assigned - The FloatQ to be driven by this component.



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