CameraPermissions (Component)

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Camera Permissions component as seen in the Scene Inspector


The CameraPermissions component allows you to set up who can use which camera mode.


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
CameraModeFilterMode ListFilterMode Whether to allow or disallow the CameraModes
CameraModes SyncFieldList<CameraPositioningMode> List of Camera modes which decide how the camera looks at users/the world.
AllowFramingOtherUsers Bool Determines whether focusing the camera on other user is allowed.


Adding an item to the list and giving it the appropriate item from the CameraModes which will then determine what camera mode methods users of that role are allowed to use.


If the Filter is set to Whitelist and given Group and the component is set to Guest as the role: It will allow Guest users to only use Group as a way to record their surroundings.

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