AxisAligner (Component)

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AxisAligner component as seen in the Scene Inspector


Name Type Description
persistent Bool Determines whether or not this item will be saved to the server.
UpdateOrder Int Controls the order in which this component is updated
Enabled Bool Controls whether or not this component is enabled
AutoAddChildren Bool Controls whether slots below this component's slot in the hierarchy are automatically added to _targets
Direction AxisDir The axis and direction the items will be aligned on
GlobalAxisXAlign Align Controls how items will be aligned globally, with each other in the X Axis
GlobalAxisYAlign Align Controls how items will be aligned globally, with each other in the Y Axis
GlobalAxisZAlign Align Controls how items will be aligned globally, with each other in the Z Axis
ElementAxisXAlign Align Controls how each item aligns itself, within the align, in the X Axis
ElementAxisYAlign Align Controls how each item aligns itself, within the align, in the Y Axis
ElementAxisZAlign Align Controls how each item aligns itself, within the align, in the Z Axis
Separation Float The spacing between each item in _targets along the specified axis
ExcludeList IBounded A list of slots which are excluded from the aligner
_targets Target A list of slots which will be aligned. This will be automatically generated if AutoAddChildren is enabled.


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