Release Notes:

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A new (mostly) bugfix build! Caught with the finest bug catching net.

New Features:

- Added "Insert Parent" button to scene inspector (the yellow button with up arrow next to the star to make a child) - this inserts a new parent at the same position and reparents the current slot under it

- Added asset upload statistics to the debug dialog


- Fixed ambient occlusion showing through various materials (Unlit, Reflection, Fresnel, FlatLitToon...)

- Fixed material properties not getting updated properly after being unloaded from the runtime and then referenced again, causing them to reload (this fixes textures not getting assigned and the gizmos being white as reported by @MR-Alex and Bom "Bitman" bomb)

- Fixed default properties not being marked as changed and not getting submitted to the runtime (this fixes the camera display offset, as reported by @SHFR_H )

- Fixed virtual keyboard not defocusing active text field when closed (this fixes scenarios where a text field would still be editing, but the keyboard couldn't be brought back without clicking on a different one, as reported by @Nexulan )

- Fixed LocalUserSpace throwing an exception when evaluated and the user was deleted (discovered in log from @Bom "Bitman" bomb (LogiX) ). It now returns root space if the user cannot be found.

- Added exception guard for driver node evaluations to prevent errors during these from crashing the world (same log)

- Put a small tweak to autojoin to potentially help prevent duplicate joins